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- The Lead Belt Newsi
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PAGE TWO LEAD BiLT NEWS LAT RIVER MO RIDAY AUGUST 181922 RIVER IN PLACE A SWAMP The Worthwhile Woman They are GOOD! Tastesjust Elvins News ever spent Budweiser re Everywhere 4f ANHEUSER BUSCH INC ST LOUIS Or Is It Splendid Values IN CHINAWARE DINNER and TEA SETS ASK TO SEE THEM 42 PIECE DINNER SETS $100 down 10c per day Store The Merchants Bank lat River Elvins Missouri MEjniKT( advice If their advice plausible I give them to go ahead and work they suggest Often It Stella Edith family A Remarkable Upheaval Bald to Be With out Precedent In History of British East Africa Speech Over astidious In the United States there Is some times a peculiar tendency to avoid the use of certain every day at one time It was considered Indelicate to refer to the legs of a table when the word "supports" wns oper atlons other than are now referred to as "repair work" only the other day In London a woman from I he United States mentioned that a friend of hers had had some "repair meaning that she had been op ernted on Of course no Inquiry us to the nature of the "repairs" Is per missible The surest method of forcing your money to work is to resolve to deposit a certain fixed amount in the bank each week Parents cannot teach their children a more valuable lesson in thrift than by tgachiift ihem to open a bank account Children are welcome at our bank It will be your bank when you become ofte of our depositors be cause our services will always be at your disposal and command We offer you the services of such a bank You will be made entirely welcome at our banking house whether your account is large or small wait until you get a large amount before opening an account The way to save is to start at once and keep at it The bursting of a swamp 22 miles from Nairobi writes tho London Dally Mall correspondent Is without prece dent In tho history of the British oc cupation of Kenya colony formerly British East Africa Where once was a placid swamp covered with papyrus grass there Is now a permanent valley with a turbulent river flowing dowq the center A the swamp was a floating papy rus mattress many feet thick and with (ibout 20 feet of water beneath Em bankment? were made and a bridge erected carrying the road across the swamp and when the Thlka railroad was constructed a substantial bridge was also erected across this swamp at a point few hundred yards below the road bridge Now many square miles of swamp water have been released The effect was a break up of the papyrus like the smashing of a log jam The weight Of the water wiped out the main and minor road bridges and seriously dam aged the railway bridge cutting oft from civilization the whole of the huge agricultural area of the Kenya prov ince around Mount Kenya Earthquake were experienced In this district recently and the theory of the government officials is that these caused the sudden collapse of the support of the swamp that support probably taking the form of a rocky roof of huge underground caverns No floods bel5w tho valley are re ported and the volume of water must therefore have gone underground leav ing behind a new and unexplored declivity many miles long which may be the resting place of minerals or re mains of scientific Importance Solicitous Mother was very anxious to have this particular dinner a success There fore she was very much dismayed when nt 5 o'clock she discovered that the maid had broken the gravy boat belonging to her best set of dishes Then a bright thought struck her Her neighbor had the exact set and would surely lend her the desired piece of china 'The dinner went along splen didly until the meat course whs served and the maid brought In the gravy boat Then up spoke the five year old daughter of the house: "I want to fell she announced better all be careful of our gravy boat because It isn't ours 'and we'd hate to break another pne today wouldn't wo mother?" Dutch orm of Golf Where and when golf started naody knows of a certainty whethet or not It comes from Holland or Scob land matters little perhaps except ts the seeker 'after the truth and nothin) but the truth To him we would say that some sort of a game resembling golf was played In Holland oftentimes on the Ice with stakes Instead of holes No rules for such play have ever been discovered but from pic tures we learn that the finish of this Hollandlsh form was somewhat after the fashion of croquet with the ball being hit lutween two sticks is the woman who practices thrift in the right way The right way is through the channels of our perfect savings system Make it part of your shopping tour to stop here each week and de posit something to that thrifty little account The most successful men the world has produced are the men who have early realized that a saved is a dollar Money will not grow in your pocket but it will make remarkable strides if deposited in a bank that you know is safe and is conservatively managed 1 7 The Dianemologo This singular mime Is given by the Inventor Eduardo Torresty Quevedo Spaniard to an apparatus Intended to take the place of stenography In reporting speeches The apparatus which consists simply of a serie of little bells requires the co operation of eight or ten writers Each writer takes a single phriise from the speak er's mouth At the tinkle of a bell on bls left he begins to write what be hears The bell on his right arrests him and sets bls neighbor at work By the time the circuit is made the first writer Is feady for another phrase Afterward the phrases which are numbered In their order of taking are reunited to form the entire report Tried at the Athenee In Madrid the dianemologo Is said to have given sat Isfactory Washington Star Depth of Death Valley i Operations of tbe geological auryey kt Death valley have shown that th depth of that remarkable depretglon If less than has hitherto been sup posed The lowest point Is 270 feet Instead of 450 feet below sea level doth the highest and lowest points of dry land In the United States ex cepting Alaska lie In southern Cali fornia and only 75 miles apart The first is Mt Whitney 14500 feet high and the second Is Death valley Be fore tho Snlton sink wns flooded It contained the lowest point of dry land 287 feet below sen level inally Oct Resulta that antifat treatment your wife took any good?" "No It was a fake" "Put your wife looks "She is She worried so over losing her money that she lost flesh Miss Gertrude Labaupne returned to St Louis Saturday after a two weeks visit with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Kenner (Mr Arthur Downing and spent Saturday visiting Mrs Hulsey Bert Clemens and family Sunday at Arcadia Heights Mrs Leon Heidecker of Chicago Ill and Mrs Leon McNamar of De kalb Ill who had been visiting Mrs (W Bollinger for the past ten days returned to their homes Saturday Mrs Carl Lupkey and two children and Mrs Layne and three chil dren went to Arcadia Heights Wed nesday where they camped for the rest of the week attending the Bap tist Assembly They returned home Sunday Miss Helen Waltman of Doe Run spent the week end visiting Miss Myra Owen Mif Catherine laRose of St Louis who had been visiting her grandmother Mrs elix LaRdse of Gofftown and her aunt Mrs Tiehes of Elvins for the past week returned to her home Saturday IL A went to Chicago Sun day where he will transact business Mrs zKlein entertained the ive 'Hundred Club at her home Thursday afternoon Delightful re freshments were served and an en joyable time was reported by all pres ent I Mrs Cozean is on the sick list this week hj Mrs Wm Kuschman of St Louis is spending this week visiting Mrs Roy Horton i Try our Langdon's Best Coffee at Store Phone 48 Mr and Mrs Thomas Buckner and family and Mr and Mrs Kenn eth" Elvins and family went to Iron Mountain Lake Thursday on a camp ing trip They returned riday eVen ing See Garrett the Chiropractor Tucker Building lat River morn ing afternoon and night A very interesting contest is being carried on in the Sunday school of the Christian Church This contest is called the Red and Blue contest the Sunday school being divided into two divisions the Reds and the Blues Each contestant is supposed to obtain as many new members for the Sun day school as he possibly can At th end of the contest the victorious side will be entertained by the rest of the Sunday school This contest has aroused much "interest and great re sults are expected to be obtained Vegetables fresh every day at fangdon's Store Phone 48 John McNeil and Luther DeGrant returned home from Detroit the latter part of last week Mr and Mrs Willis Couch return ed Saturday from a visit with Mr brother Thomas Couch of Silvermines Mrs Ava Boyd aged 27 years died at her home here Saturday August 12 th Ten or twelve years ago she united with the ree Will Baptist church at Doe Run Upon coming to Elvins she united with the Elvins Methodist church of which she has been a loyal and devoted member July 20 1914 she was united in marriage to Arthur Boyd one child being born to this union Besides her husband and five year old child she leaves to mourn her departure a mother two brothers three sisters and many other relatives and friends The funeral service was conducted at the Methodist church Monday afternoon at 2 :30 by Rev Owen pastor of the Elvins Baptist church Interment was made at the Odd ellow cemetery at Doe Run Mw John Keay visited her daugh ter Mrs Aniel Halters in arming ton Monday Mrs Halters returned with her mother for a two days visit Real Riches He uho has fortune in love and truth and beauty is entitled to be called rich Time and change and verslty have no power upon th ent They are tho only things a man take with him when he gotn In the process of acquiring them they be come part of him inseparably He who hns them "wears his commenda tion in Ids face" for It may be read as he passes that his converse Is with the higher and finer things and his dally walk Is on the plane where tbe noblest meet and greet Philadelphia Public Ledger Mr and Mrs Halleck Millner and their son Roy and Mrs sister Miss Dora Duncan of East St Louis spent' the week end visiting their aunt Mrs Silsby We have all kinds of fresh vege tables Langdon btore Misses Marie Alexander Crabtree Aleen McDowell McClanahan and Grace McCrury spent Sunday at Arcadia Heights Mr and Mrs' II A Hulsey Miss es Essie Gray and Lula Downing of Elvins and Miss Stella Downing of Doe Run went to' Arcadia Heights Sunday Rev Owen was called to Oran Thursday to conduct the fun eral of Mr Wilson Bryant He turned home Saturday evening or good things to eat Phone Store Mr McClanahan who has been on the sick list is improving Mr and Mrs Tiehes and daughter Leona spent the week end in Perryville visiting Mr mother Mrs Charles Tiehes Working for YOU Grady Wholetale Distributor Desloge Missouri Indian Emerald Mines Located The Conquletadoree when theyelxed the rich emerald mines of Co lombia forcing the native Indians to work them suspected the existence of other mines 'After a search of three years in Colombia Christopher Dixon engineer for the Colombian Em erald syndicate says he has located some of the ancient mine hidden from the profiteering Spaniards by the na tives The emeralds of Colombia' are tte finest but not the biggest in the wood and the country produces more than all the rest of the world combined the recently rediscovered mines Mr Dixon said are about two and a half days' journey from Bogota SECURITYBANK ELVINS MISSOURI5 GROW? It takes time to do anything There fore time Is an Important factor In all accomplishment (But the Idea that there Is an age limit on ability Is headed for the discard Where they are given a free rein young men men tinder 40 and even under are coming to the front In surprising number A man who Is noted for Ids ability to make successes of young men said recently: "The secret of my ability to hold men and alnajs to have a man to put in a responsible pi sitton is my policy of watching the young man closely 1 keep an eye on all of them and before they realize I know who they are I am Calling them Into my office and ask ing for their sounds at all carte blanche out the plan almost staggers them but more offen1' iygke 8od Too few of LL' izp Hie oorSTunt alfllkv weTave around our business In the shape of young accountants stenographers clerks or young orbes Magazine PUTS AITH IN YOUNG MEN Successful Merchant Tells of System Which Has Helped Him In His Business Career ill cigarettes Mw ww a rvy IO 15 asdoMas I'M OMUMS A Im Ea nn irnrH 1 dm SECURITY BANK OELVINSMISSOURI SAEjTHKI 1.
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- Pages Available:
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- Years Available:
- 1915-1964