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- Publication:
- The Lead Belt Newsi
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- Flat River, Missouri
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- 5
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A 1 'M 4 jAv IM' THE IJD BELT NWS AT RIVER MO RIDAY EBRUARY 6 1925 PAGE IVE Money Can Buy Health Ask the Parents Who buy fflilk DESLOGE LOCALS Mrs Andy Davis who lives on a farm a mile west of Desloge and 6 11 who had been critically 'ill for th a A past three weeks with gall stones was 1 taken to Bonne Terre hospital Mon day for an operation Chas Berghoefer purchased resi 1 dence property the first of the week in the eastern part of the town He A made the purchase from Wm Moyer Mrs Myrtle Boyd will go to St Louis today expecting to return to morrow' when she will bring her 13 year old daughter Verna Boyd back' with her The daughter has spent the past four and a half 1 months in the Shriners hospital in St Louis for the correction a bone in fection of the hip She is much im 7 proved Mrs Boyd is going for heryr daughter upon the strength of a letter from the hospital stating that Verna will be released from the hos pital for "the present Mrs Ed Murphy and daughter i Mrs Milburn Mcarland were lat River business visitors Monday after noon Mr and Mrs Warner Jackson a spent Sunday at Irondale visiting their aunt Mrs Chas Rutledge Mr Mrs Whitener and family were the dinner guests Sun day of Mrs brother and "wife Mr and Mrs Billie Smith in armington Tolbert Henson Deputy State Mine Inspector of Perryville spent 4 1 the past week in the Lead Belt in Meeting various mines in the district 3 Mr and Mrs Eaves and chil dren spentSunday with Mr and Mrs 'I Eaves on armington Route Six Bryan Jones of Melzo motored here Sunday to spend the day with his and aunt Mr and Mrs Manson He returned home in the afternoon taking his sister Miss Eva Jones who had spent the past week 'X with the Manson family Mr and Mrs Hillis spent i soveral days of last week in St Louis 1 1 with their daughter and son in law I Rev and Mrs 0 Duggin I Mrs A Dunn who had spent the past week here with her sister Mrs Sizemore who is ill left Sunday to return to her home at Sabula Mo Aubrey Wells who has been em ployed at the Morris butcher shop for some time resigned his position Saturday He has not announced his plans for the future Walter Cook transacted business in Bismarck Monday morning Mr and Mrs John Green and Mrs Wm Richards spent Sunday visiting relatives in DeSoto Mrs Kleppsaftel spent from Saturday to Monday in Louis visiting her two1 daughters Mrs Elizabeth Day and Miss Orra Klep sattel McCarty purchased a resi dence from Chas Berghoefer the latter part of the week making the purchase for investment This pro perty is located in the eastern part of the town Mrs Melissa Sizemore her son Owen Sizemore and her son in law Dr itzpatrick and his daugh ter of Lesterville Mo in Reynolds County came to Desloge Monday to visit Mr and Mrs Sizemore AU the party except Mrs Sizeffiore returned to fheir homes Monday afternoon Mrs Sizemore will remain here for a longer visit with her soS and daughter in law who has been ill for some time Virgil Gray a young man who had been employed here until recently but spent the past couple of weeks at esutus returned to Des loge Saturday and to the John Sikes home where he had boarded while working here He was ill upon his ar rival His ailment has since been diagnosed as diphtheria Cook manager of the local Thiebes piano store has been ill a part of the week Geo Richardson of St Louis came here 'Saturday and returned Sunday taking his hjm Mrs Rich ardson has spent several weeks here with her parents Mr and Mrs John Murry Her baby was born 'here six or eight weeks ago She has since been critically ill and spent some time in Bonne Terre hospital She went to St Louis Sunday to consult a specialist and expects to return the latter part of the week to spend the remainder of her period of recupera tion with her parents The baby re mained here with its' grandparents during the time the mother was in St Louis Lennis Meecey of Miami Okla was called here the first of the week on account of the death of his sis ter Mrs Lloyd McGuire Mr and Mrs Lynn Straughan of armington Route our were the 6 dinner guests Monday of Mr and Mrs John Gosney Mrs Reaves anZ Mrs John Gosney transacted business in lat River Tuesday afternoon i Mr and Mrs Iris Rubottom and baby and Mrs mother Mrs Jackson of Cantwell spent Sunday guests of the1 par ents Mr and Mrs Wm Rubottom who live in the Russell Chapel neigh borhood Attorney Jackson transacted legal business in Hillsboro the latter part of the week returning home Monday Mont Mason of Leadwood visited relatives here Saturday! Mrs Geo Byington who spent several days of last week in St Louis with her sister Mrs Jenkins who was ill was called back to her home here Thursday night of last week on account of the illness of her husband Mr Byington had several teeth pulled shortly afterward he be came so ill that it was considered ad visable to call his wife He is im proving When Mrs Byington left St Louis Mrs Jenkins was also con valescing and able to be up a part of the time It is reported that Mrs John Dinkins of St Louis is very ill with appendicitis They were former resi dents of Desloge Herbert Jinkerson the 11 year old son of Mr and Mrs Ernest Jenker son was taken to St Louis this week Alteration Sale IN ULL SWING Hundreds have taken advantage of the unusually low prices we are faring and have bought supplies for their entire families at great savings YOU TOO Can save many dollars by coming here and doing your purchasing for in spite of the crowds that have been here our stocks are still complete it 1 I 1 WE MUST MOVE 1 These goods to make way for the carpenters Come getyour share of the bargains" Visit Our Grocery Department A Ji Goodmans A r' Phone 225 LA" lat River' 1 Zfc A A LAT RIVER BAPTIST 'CHURCH CHRISTIAN CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ELVINS BAPTIST CHURCH DESLOGlkMETHODISt CHURCH not and placed in Barnes hospital for a course of treatments for a nervous disorder The family of Wm Craig is quar antined on account of scarlet fever In renewing their subscription to the Desloge Sun and the Lead 1 Belt News Mr and Mrs I Eaves of armington says like a letter from home just could not do with out Mrs Hunter of Mt Vernon 111 is spending the winter with her sister Mrs I Eaves at Meadow Brook arm armington Route Six the Sunday a Morning worship 10:45 a "The Profitableness of 6:15 Evening worship 7:30 Hadnwriting on the Great numbers testify to the bless ings they are receiving from these services ICome and worship with us Special music at all services Elbert Owen Pastor There was 133 at Sunday school Sunday that is good but why make it more A meeting was called by Strunk the superintendent of Sunday school in order to discuss some plans whereby the Sunday school shall be better cared for the plans adopted calls for better equip ment for the primary department and if possible a better musical in strument for the Sunday school Mrs Thurman whose health has been? sucj that she has not at tended church for some time was present Sunday We noticed some new faces both in the morning and evening services The Board" of Stewards met at Monday night in their regular monthly meeting We were a little short of the regular number lach who was in St Louis and Claud Long who is in the Bonne Terre hospital as a result of an in jury Which he sustained while work ink in tlie Desloge mines one day laftt week We missed them The solicitors are receiving Bible school at 9:45 a Morning service nt 11:00 a The pastor will speak on behalf of the A drive Christian Endeavor at 6:30 Evening worship at 7:30 Lee Romine son of the pastor will occupy the pulpit Subject: purpose plan and Romine Pastor Members of the church ancSunday school will their monthly party on Tuesday ing at 7 Mr and Mrs arland Mrs Slinkard and Steinmesch are the committee en tertainment During the eveping Mrs Slinkard the church 1 treasurer will burn the note against the church which has just been paid making the church free from debt for the first time in nine years The iat River and Desloge Presbyterian churches hope to have a pastor by April 1st when the new church' year begins Presbyterian have even Mo Mrs Quite a bit of sickness among our folk This affected the Sunday school attendance considerably The morning service was well attended One addition by letter Exceptional ly good crowd at the evening service A number of new faces in the con gregation We welcome strangers to our services and hope you will feel at home 'We are planning to make ebruary 22 a 'banner day throughout our church services This being it will be good way to celebrate the memory of this great man We shall give more in formation concerning this special service next week Next Sunday morning the partor will bring a message from the sub ject: At the evening service his subject will be: inger We invite you to all our services Our one aim is to help you thou with us and we will do thee Sunday school 9:45 a 1 Morning worship 11:00 a 7 6:30 Evening service 7:30 Mid week prayer service 7 :30 welcome awaits you a)t the Baptist Warren Pastor I pledges on the new church building the highest pledge yet being 200 but we predict there will be several of them of that size and 'perhaps some higher at any rate we feel that the good people are going to give of their means liberally to such a worthy cause The recent cold spell stopped the work on the parsonage but Brother Thurman is working again this week with a force of men and good pro gress is made The Epworth Leaguers plan to se cure subscriptions for the Desloge Sun and the Lead Belt News for which they will be given a per cent and this is to be used as a donation on the newhurch The class of the Sunday school plan a bake sale next Satur day to help the new church fflnd You are invited to any and all of our services Which are as' follows: Sunday school 9:45 a m' Worship 11 :00 a Epworth League 6:00 Evangelistic services 7:00 McDaniel Pastor STOP THAT BACKACHE 1 I Many lat River olks Have ound the Way i Is a dull nerve racking backache wearing you out? Do you feel older and slower than you should? Are you tired weak and nervous find it im possible to be happy or enjoy the good times around you? Then something wrong and likely your kidneys Why not get at the cause Use Pills a stimulant diure tic to the kidneys Your neighbors recommend Read what this lat River resident says: Walter Bloom mine contractor Taylortown section lat River says: think a cold settled in the small of my back My back was weak and painful and I had to lay off work Whenever I bent over quickly a sharp pain caught me and I could scarcely stand up straight for a moment I knew the rouble was in my kidneys for they acted too fre quentiy I used Pills and they straightened me up in fine 60c at all dealers oster Milburn Co Mfrs Buffalo NINTH GRADE PUTTING ON PICTURE SHOW TONIGHT The ninth grade of lat River junior high will put 1 on a picture show at the high school auditorium this evening They are 'presenting Courtship of Miles starring Chas Ray A very nominal admission will be charged the pro ceeds to be used for the benefit of the school The members of this class urge the co operation of the parents and patrons of the town The picture they are presenting is full of bothi dramatic and historical interest and I is well worth seeing When In Need of Electrical Work or Ap I' pliances £all i Byrd Electric Shop lat River HCMELL THE WINCHESTER STORE ARMINGTON MO 1 Come to the Winchester Store at armington and let us help you conserve your dollars by offering the very best values obtainable 5 6 I I Oil Mops each 49c Oil Window Shades Each 60c 4 ply 6 inch Rubber Belting per foot 45c 36 inch Lawn ence Per foot 12c a Gem Safety Razors with 3 blades each 49c 1 9x12 Tafestry Rugs $2250 I 9x12 Aximinster Rugs i $5000 values $4000 27x54 Aximinster Rugs $350 it 36x54 Aximinster Rugs $550 Oak Dressers $1500 Ivory and blue Enamel ed 5 piece Breakfast Sets $1800 9x15 Congoleum Rugs Special $1198 150 beautiful patterns of Wall Paper to select from at per roll and up Canvas Gloves paii 10c Large Cedar ence Posts each 30c 1 Cyclone Lawn ence 42 inch high close spacing per foot 15c' Nails per keg base $450 4 point heavy Barb Wire per 80 rods $435 Heavy' 4 foot Poultry Wire per 10 rod roll $575 Heavy Cotton Mattress $950 Bed Springs $400 The newest patterns of Armstrong Linoleum and rugs ait very moderate prices i A 1 5 1 i 1.
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- Pages Available:
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- Years Available:
- 1915-1964